Jason uses a spray bandage to provide the BEST healing for your new tattoo. The spray bandage seals out dirt and locks in your new tattoo. It is still breathable and falls off with the natural healing of your skin.
Here are some guidelines for you to get the best out of your new tattoo!
Leave the tattoo alone for the first day (24 hours).
THE NIGHT OF DAY 2 you can introduce a plain, non-scented lotion 4-5 times a day. Repeat for day 3.
ON DAY FOUR (4) you can lightly wash the tattoo with plain, anti-bacterial soap using your hand (no scrubbing). Continue use of plain, non-scented lotion or lotion-based healing product 4-5 times a day.
The spray bandage will eventually dissolve on its own. Continue use of plain, non-scented lotion or lotion-based healing product 4-5 times a day.
DO NOT PICK or scratch the tattoo. Keep the newly-tattooed part of your body out of lakes, oceans, rivers, swimming pools, direct sunlight, tanning beds, saunas, etc.
NEVER take advice from your friends. EVER! NEVER touch your new tattoo with dirty hands. NEVER use products like Aquaphor, Vaseline, Neosporin, etc.